Melissa has experience with Journalism, Fiction, Screenwriting, Satirical News Writing and more.
Check out links to some of Melissa’s published work below:
The Onion:
Melissa is a Features Contributor at the prestigious satirical news site, The Onion. It is The Onion’s policy to not include bylines or give attribution for individual jokes or headlines written, however you can see her name on the masthead under Features Contributors here.
(Some links below are headline or premise-only and therefore won’t have Melissa’s byline on them.)
“REPORT: Fake Plant Not Fooling Anyone”
“Why I Stopped Saying ‘Yes’ and Started Saying ‘Ok Maybe’ and Never Following Up”
“Wow! This Woman’s D&D Character Keeps Trying to Start Group Sex”
“Man Concerned About Workplace Sexual Assault and Also the Expectation He Should Help Prevent It”
“5 Feminist Men Who Will Give You a Hug Whether You Want One or Not”
“Woman Finally Musters Courage to Poop in Boyfriend’s Apartment Three Months After Breakup”
The Betoota Advocate:
(Melissa’s work for The Betoota Advocate is done under the pen name “Matilda Martin.“)
“Who Believes In Horoscopes Outraged That Anti-Vaxers Won’t Listen to Science”
“Nation’s Dads Would Like To Hear The Weather Report“
“Local Woman Feels Most In Touch With Hunter-Gatherer Roots Browsing Deliveroo On Treadmill”
Melissa’s screenplay earned some distinction in a Comedy Writing Contest
Melissa’s RomCom feature, “50,“ was a semi-finalist in the 5th annual Stage32 Comedy Writing Contest in 2020.